
Showing posts from February, 2019

Digital Journalism

Please take a minute (or exactly 2:57) to listen to my podcast, and then comment on your thoughts about the future of journalism below. I'd LOVE to hear about how you think journalism can survive in the Internet-based world that we live in. Digital Journalism

My Journey to J-School

It all started when I was in grade 6… that’s right, grade 6! At the time, I was in love with Jonathan Taylor Thomas and once-a-week I would join my mom at the grocery store. If I was well-behaved, she would buy me the latest Teen Beat magazine featuring his photos. When I got home, I would carefully cut the photos out of the magazine and tape them to my white bedroom walls. Then, I would read the rest of the magazine, cover to cover. So, in grade six, when our class was given the creative freedom to produce anything we wanted for our year-end project, it was an obvious choice, that I would pick producing a magazine. I wrote content, created quizzes, and formatted it as closely as I could to the magazines I had bought in the store. The magazine was what you would expect of a ten year old, but my parents say it was the first time that I would answer the question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” with anything other than the Easter bunny. I wanted to be a journalis